« Home | HAPPY ENDINGS A few weeks ago, I had to sit throu... » | THE NUMBERS GAME There's a game I once played wit... » | BEEN A WHILE Sorry for not posting as often as I ... » | BACK TO REALITY I have to admit that I'm a sucker ... » | My dear friend Lyra Dumdum was lucky enough to fal... » | My friend Joey was over at the house the other day... » | MY BROTHER GANNON You guys should really check ou... » | Happy easter everyone! Here's to new beginnings a... » | It's Black Saturday so in my religion, we commemor... » | From one newbie to another, I'd like to welcome my... »


Sorry I've been away for a while. Our phone line here in the house had some problems with a ground and I wasn't able to connect for so long. Now I'm back and ready to blog again. A few updates:
1. In the two weeks prior to this one, I spent every night at a wake. My grandaunt and the dad of a dear friend both passed away and I was at a funeral home every night.
2. My plans for a business are on hold for a while pending a)word from this ad agency that is planning to hire me (it's down to me and a girl) and b) someone who could help me get my bearing regarding putting up a business. Anyone care to help?
3. Got season 9 and part of season 10 of FRIENDS on DVD. I even got a copy of the final episode.

That's been my )un)interesting life right now. Hope you're all doing okay.